
Zeit sparen durch digitales Schädlingsmonitoring
Time saving
Business development, customer acquisition, education and training

The use of traptice® reduces your on-site deployment time with your customers. This allows you to invest more time in the development of your company, your employees and new services.

Customer loyalty
Improved customer support and customer acquisition

Contribute to the attractiveness of your company. With traptice you can support your customers remotely and stand out from the competition.

Mehr Kundenbindung durch digitales Schädlingsmonitoring
Mehr Umweltschutz durch digitales Schädlingsmonitoring
Environmental protection
Relieve the environment by using less biocides

traptice® enables an exact and prompt detection of infestation. As a result, biocides can be used even more selectively and valuable resources like the ecosystem can be conserved.


Benefits at a glance

Time saving
  • No unnecessary trips to the customers
  • Reduced effort in the evaluation of the insect monitoring
Environmental protection
  • Less use of biocides
  • Relief of the environment
  • Minimizing damages caused by
    pest infestation
Higher customer loyalty
  • Focus on taking care of the customers

  • Increased dedication on more strategic subjects

  • Support during the audit

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